2017 Newsletters

4 Tips for getting the most out of your Technology Investment


How many times have you purchased new software or hardware, and avoided the help menu or user manual? Experts reason that about 90 percent of all features included with software go unused! Much of this comes down to lack of training for individuals using the technology – they use what they know and need most, and avoid anything that would require study or practice to implement. Its human nature to take the path of least resistance, but with a little motivation you could better benefit from the money spent on technology for your business.*

How to get the most out of your Technology Investment

Instead of letting your technology investments continue on underutilized, here are 4 tips for getting the most out of your technology dollars:

  1. Put the client in the driver’s seat of communication. You can improve the quality of customer service offered by your company through the use of simple technology. The more connected you are to your clients, the happier they are with your work. Use technology to give your clients a way to initiate discussion with you, either through blog interaction or a discussion forum. Set up instant messaging so clients can contact appropriate staff members as necessary. It’s simple technology, but will result in improved client retention, repeat customers and better communication.
  2. Create a business culture of continuous improvement. One of the most amazing aspects of technology is how quickly it is updated and improved. Just when you think you have the best of the best, new technologies and processes are created to improve productivity. Even in the sometimes mundane office environments, new ideas will enhance efficiency and productivity. Encourage staff and consultants to let the new ideas flow – continuous improvement is the key for making the most out of your technology.
  3. Highly repetitive tasks are also good ones to outsource. Data entry or accounts payable and receivable are jobs that you most likely can do, but they will only slow down your own productivity. Many times you can hire a virtual assistant to help you in these areas for just a few hours a week. This will not be overly costly and will inevitably free you up to work on other areas of the business that would most benefit from your attention.
  4. Internal email newsletters with tips. Most businesses recognize the value of sending newsletters to their clients to keep in touch and establish relationships, but what about internal newsletters among staff members? Send a weekly email to your staff with a single technology tip that explains how to do something that will improve their productivity or make their lives a little easier. Keep it fun and add a cartoon or a quick quiz to keep the staff looking forward to their weekly newsletter. Your ideas for topics can come from training and seminars you attend, or from questions staff ask the IT department. If one person doesn’t understand something, there are probably a few others who also don’t understand – but aren’t speaking up about it. 

*Source: SPC International Online, Inc.

If you would like to know more, please contact us at 1-800-871-9683 for a free consultation. Also, if you do not have online BDR (backup-disaster-recovery) and anti-virus/malware protection for your business, please give us a call to help you implement the latest systems. Our email address is: markhuffman@creativebusinesstechnologies.com

Top Technology Considerations for 2017  

Online Backup

This year of 2017, please consider the newest technology options for your business. If it has been awhile since you upgraded your equipment or are not using the latest technologies, you could be missing out on increased productivity and profitability for your business that will definitely improve your bottom line.

The following is a partial list of options to choose from:

  • Office 365: If you not using a cloud solution for your business, such as Office 365 for your Office Suite, you could be missing out on great technological options that will benefit your company in the long run.
  • Managed Services: Your time as a business professional is usually very limited, since your main focus is doing your business and not dealing with IT. As IT experts, our job is to insure that your network servers, workstations, peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) and software are operating normally and efficiently with minimal downtime. We make sure everything stays up running as it should.
  • Microsoft Windows 10: If your company is still using computers that have Windows 7 or 8.1 operating systems, companies should upgrade to take advantage of the newest features that Microsoft has to offer. Please contact us if you need your operating system(s) upgraded.
  • Virus/Malware Issues: Computer viruses and malware can cause havoc on your computers or even on your network servers. If you are experiencing “blue screens of death”, pop-ups, weird error messages, lock-ups, and any other strange behavior on your computer, please contact us right away because most likely it is infected.
  • On-line BDR (Backup-Disaster-Recovery): If you are not currently using an on-line backup-disaster-recovery system, you could be putting your data at risk. Statistically, it has been proven that tape data backup on has a recovery rate of only 42% whereas on-line data recovery is 99%. Clearly, on-line BDR is the better way to go. If you would like to know more, please contact us for a free consultation.
  • Windows Server 2003: If your company is still running Windows Server 2003, you should make plans to upgrade your server as soon as possible to Windows Server 2012 R2 or 2016. The reason for doing so is that servers running Windows Server 2003 are vulnerable to hacking and virus/malware attacks.
  • Website Upgrade: If has been a couple of years since you have put up your website, it is mostly like due for an upgrade. HTML 5 has revolutionized the way websites look and feel. Many include blogging that facilitates your customers being more active your site and lingering longer, thereby increasing sales and bottom line profitability. 

As your company makes it’s plans and budgets for the year, please include the considerations listed above. If you need any help, feel free contact us with any questions that you may have. May 2017 be a very prosperous year for your business!

If you would like to know more, please contact us at 1-800-871-9683 for a free consultation. Also, if you do not have online BDR (backup-disaster-recovery) and anti-virus/malware protection for your business, please give us a call to help you implement the latest systems. Our email address is: markhuffman@creativebusinesstechnologies.com

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